Privacy Policy

Monteage IT Solutions Pvt Ltd is strongly committed to your right to privacy and keeping your personal information secure. To earn your trust and confidence in our commitment, we are fully disclosing our privacy practices. We encourage you to read our privacy statement to understand what types of personally identifiable information we collect and how we use this information. Monteage IT Solutions Pvt Ltd has the right to amend its privacy policy to suit the needs of the website and we will inform you about the updated regulations at the earliest possible time.

Thanks for visiting Monteage IT Solutions Pvt Ltd respects your privacy. When it comes to your personal information, we believe in transparency, not surprises. That’s why we’ve set out here what personal information we collect, what we do with it and your choices and rights.

By using any of Monteage IT Solutions Pvt Ltd Services, you confirm you have agreed to the Terms of Service and read and understood this Privacy Policy and our Refund Policy.